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Plastic Surgery Procedures

Plastic Surgery is a process performed by surgeons involving various techniques, in order to change the appearance of function of the body part. There are many type of plastic surgery procedure possible. Details of few Cosmetic Surgical Procedures are:-

  • Breast Augmentation – An implantation is done behind each Breast to enlarge then. The risk involved are implants can leak, rupture, and deflate, infection, hardening of the scar tissue around the implant, causing the breast firmness, pain, or distorted shape, or even implant movement, bleeding, nipples may get less or more sensitive, calcium deposit around implant, harder to find the breast lumps.
  • Breast Lift – removal of extra skin from both the breast to reshape of raise them. The risk involved are scarring, skin loss, infection loss of the feeling in the nipples or breast, nipples put in wrong place, breasts not symmetrical.
  • Breast Reduction - Fat, skin and tissue is removed from the breast. The risk involved are if nipples and the areola are detached, decreased ability of breastfeed and may lose sensation, bleeding, infection, scarring, harder to find the breast lumps, poor shape, position or size of nipples or the breasts.
  • Eyelid Surgery: Extra fat, muscle and skin in the upper or/and lower eyelid is to be removed to the correct “droopy” eyelids. The risk involved are blurred or double vision, infection, bleeding under skin, swelling, dry eyes, whiteheads, can’t close your eye completely, pulling of the lower lids, blindness.
  • Facelift - Extra fat to be removed, muscles are to be tightened, and the skin is re-wrapped around face and the neck to improve the sagging facial skin, loose neck skin and jowls. The risk involved are infection, bleeding under skin, scarring, irregular earlobes, nerve damage causing a numbness or the inability to move the face, hair loss, skin damage.
  • Facial Implant – infection, feeling of tightness or the scarring around the implant or even shifting of implant. The risks involved are infection, scarring around implant or feeling of tightness, shifting of implant.
  • Forehead Lift: Extra skin and the muscles that cause the wrinkles are removed, forehead skin is also tightened and eyebrows are lifted. The risks involved are infection, scarring, bleeding under skin, irritation or eye dryness, impaired eyelid function, loss of feeling on eyelid skin, injury to the facial nerve causing muscle weakness of loss of motion.
  • Lip Augmentation: Material can be injected or can be implanted into lips to create the fuller lips and thus reduce wrinkles around mouth. The risks involved are infection, bleeding, lip asymmetry, lumping, scarring.
  • Liposuction: Excess fats from targeted area are removed with vacuum to shape body. The risks involved are baggy skin, skin may change the color and even fall off, fluid retention, shock, infection, burning, fat clots in lungs, pain, damage to the organs if punctured, numbness at surgery site, heart problems, kidney problems, disability, death.
  • Nose Surgery: Nose is reshaped using a re-sculpting of the bone and the cartilage in nose. The risks involved are infection, bursting blood vessels, red spots, bleeding under skin, scarring.

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